Monday, December 24, 2007

Welcome to this blog

With the new year around the corner, I feel compelled to start something that's I've been wanting to do for some time — create an online repository where I can unload my thoughts on the future of journalism, and globalization and journalism, and young adults and news ... and other areas of research interest. In time, I hope this will be less of a digital dumping ground than a collaboration point where I can engage feedback from like-minded scholars and journalists.

In this sense, I hope to follow in the long shadow of two favorite scholars of mine, Mark Deuze* and Jay Rosen, although I never expect to be as academically prolific as Deuze or as professionally influential as Rosen. Nonetheless, I appreciate their examples.

So, I give you LewisBlog.

And Merry Christmas.

*My blog name is even loosely based on "Deuzeblog."


Mark Deuze said...

Good to have you online Seth! Happy New Year, looking forward to your posts.

Pete said...

I keep waiting for your first post here.

seth said...

Well, it took long enough, didn't it? Yes, there are excuses, of course — none of them very good — but now that I'm back in school and overcoming a very prolonged bout with the flu, I'll be rapid-posting some stuff today that I've had sitting in the can. ... Thanks for prodding me!

DigiDave said...

Awesome. Adding your site to my reader now. Looking forward to what you write.